Are You Struggling
With Phobias?

Everyone has an irrational fear or two. But when these fears become so severe that they interfere with life, it could be a phobia.
Take this self-assessment test used by mental health professionals to determine if you are living with Phobias!


What Are Phobias?

Phobias are anxiety disorders characterized by persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.

1-in-12 people suffer from phobias, including fear of enclosed spaces, heights, flying, insects, or social interactions.

Because people will go to extreme lengths to avoid encountering their phobias, if left untreated,
phobias can severely impact your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Symptoms of Phobias Include:

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Intense anxiety or panic attacks when confronted with the object

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Physical symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, trembling, sweating, nausea

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Going to extreme lengths to avoid encounter with the phobia

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Recognizing that your fear is irrational but unable to control it

Phobias cause significant distress and impact your social interactions and daily life.
Let EMDR help you manage and overcome your phobia so you can live freely.

Take Control
of Phobias

David S.

Ian O.



Annette T.

Submitted on Facebook


Jason L.


How Does Virtual EMDR
Work on Phobias?


Data from 10,000 Virtual EMDR Sessions

EMDR has been scientifically proven to effectively treat anxiety disorders, including Phobias.

While EMDR was originally developed to treat trauma-related conditions, its application has expanded to include a broader range of experiences that contribute to emotional distress, including Phobias.

Unlike traditional treatment, Virtual EMDR works faster, is more effective, and delivers longer-lasting results. This is because EMDR addresses the root cause of Phobia, not just the symptoms.

Many people report feeling a noticeable improvement in less emotional distress, even after just one session of Virtual EMDR!

Select the Phobias Protocol You Need

Virtual EMDR offers unique Phobias Protocols to help you:

Re-Process emotional associations and memories related to the phobia

Reduce the emotional charge you experience around the phobia

Develop coping mechanisms for when you encounter the phobia

Install empowering positive Beliefs to replace your existing beliefs

In each session, simply select the Phobia Protocol you need– all included in your Virtual EMDR unlimited subscription!
In addition, you also get UNLIMITED ACCESS to EMDR protocols for Anxiety, Addictions, and more!


Unsure if You
Have Phobias?

If you think you may be experiencing Phobias,
take this free test. The Severity Measure for Specific
Phobias (PSM) test was developed by the American Psychiatric
Association to assess the severity of your symptoms.

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Let Virtual EMDR Help You
Overcome Phobias

Simple, easy-to-use. Even if you have never done EMDR before.
Check out why Virtual EMDR is uniquely designed for you:

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m New to EMDR. Can I Use Virtual EMDR on My Own?

Yes definitely! Thousands of people have successfully used Virtual EMDR on their own without a therapist, including beginners who have never done EMDR before. Virtual EMDR is easy-to-follow with step-by-step guidance. You’ll be gently guided through each stage of EMDR, through videos, illustrations, and real-life examples. If you get stuck or need help getting started, check out our affordable Personal Coaching.

Can EMDR Be Combined With Other Phobia Treatments or Medications?

Yes, EMDR can be used in conjunction with medication and complementary therapy. If you are currently undergoing treatment, consult your therapist or physician to ensure a coordinated treatment plan.

Are There Any Side Effects of EMDR for Phobias?

Virtual EMDR has been used successfully by thousands of clients to treat Phobias and other Anxiety disorders. While many people find EMDR to be fast-acting and effective, some individuals may experience temporary increases in distress before improvement occurs. These responses are typically short-lived and are part of the healing process.

How Long-Lasting Are the Effects of EMDR for Phobias?

EMDR does not guarantee that your Phobia will never resurface. However, EMDR has been shown to be effective in reducing Phobia symptoms, and for many people, these effects are long-lasting. Factors that affect effectiveness include: the nature and origin of the phobia, early intervention, your environment, and personal factors. However, because EMDR addresses the root cause, rather than merely relieving symptoms, it is often more effective and long-lasting than other treatments.

Ready to take the

Phobia Test?

The Severity Measure for Specific Phobias (DSM-5) test was developed by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to assess the severity of symptoms relating to specific phobias.

It comprises 10 questions with 5 choices.

Estimated Time to complete: 5 minutes

Question /

Phobia Test

In the past 7 days, relating to this Phobia, I have:

Phobia Test

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