Depression Is More Than Just Sadness
Are you depressed or sad? There is a difference.
24 Sep 2021
Tag: PTSD , Anxiety

Depression is very common and serious mental medical condition which affects millions of people. It can lead to emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and physical problems and can decrease a person's ability to function at work, at school, and at home.
But are you depressed? Or are you just going through a sad time
in your life? This short test from the American Psychiatric Association
Depression Test can help you find out.
Depression can stem from difficult life events, such as the loss of a loved one or a trauma, also people sometimes can feel miserable or depressed without knowing why. Additionally, depression, especially in midlife or older adults, can co-occur with other serious medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, and even cancer. Sometimes medications taken for these illnesses may cause side effects that lead to depression and when depression is present, the condition gets even worse.
If you think you are depressed, you should talk to your doctor, consider seeing a therapist, or try at-home therapies like the Virtual EMDR Eye Movement Therapy Program.
What is the Difference between Depression and Sadness?
It is important to realize that being sad or upset from time to time is a normal part of life because difficult life events happen to everyone. However, depression is more serious and is characterized by prolonged feelings of sadness and hopelessness which causes a person to lose their interest in daily activities and to decrease his or her ability to perform normal life activities.
Sadness is usually triggered by a specific event, experience, or situation. So, we tend to be sad for something. Otherwise, depression doesn't necessarily require a specific event, or situation so when we're depressed, we feel sad for everything. In addition, while sadness is an emotion, depression is a medical condition.
Types of Depression
There are different types of depression.
Major Depression: It lasts at least 2 weeks and most of the days going with depressed mood, irritability, loss of joy, and decreased function at working/studying.
Dysthymia: A depressed mood lasts for at least 2 years. A person diagnosed with dysthymia may have major depression episodes along with periods of less severe symptoms.
Seasonal Affective Disorder: It is generally characterized by the onset of depression during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight.
Atypical Depression: Depression includes the ability to temporarily be cheered by happy events, increased appetite, sensitivity to rejection, and heaviness in limbs.
Bipolar Disorder: It is different from depression however it includes the depressive periods, named 'bipolar depression'. Additionally, a person with bipolar disorder experiences a high euphoric or irritable moods (mania) and less severe periods (hypomania).
Psychotic Depression: It occurs when a person experiences psychosis with depression such as hearing/seeing something others cannot see, or delusions.
Postpartum Depression: It includes the time pregnancy and after giving birth, going with a mild depressive and anxious mood, also exhaustion.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: It involves depression symptoms associated with hormonal changes which begin a week before and improve within a few days after the onset of period and gone after the period is over.
After reading this, if you suspect on that you might experience depression, you should contact a doctor or mental health professional as soon as possible. Depression is a medical problem that requires long-term treatment because you cannot simply get rid of it. And depression can get worse in time if it isn't treated. However, if you take a treatment (therapy, medication, rescheduling your daily routine, taking supplements etc.) you'll feel better in time.
One option is EMDR (Eye Movement Therapy). EMDR is highly effective method to reduce the impact of past events that lead to depression. The aim of EMDR is to desensitize the negative emotional burdens of past events which the person gets stuck, then strengthen the person's contact with positive emotional capacity in which he or she is unable to connect due to his or her depression. In fact, this is a process that the human brain does automatically but since the brain of a depressed person cannot perform this procedure, negative emotions cannot be desensitized so the negative impacts go on.
If you want to give it a try, you can use Virtual EMDR Program online. All plans include FREE 3-day trial.
You can sign up here!
Don't be late for a better life!
Cagliostro, D. (2018, 28 September). Depression. Retrieved from
Erol, Z. (2014, 12 August). Depresyonda EMDR. Retrieved from
Higuera, V., & Holland, K. (2018, 6 December). Everything You Want to Know about Depression. Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic Staff (2018, 3 February). Depression (Major Depressive Disorder). Retrieved from
Parekh, R. (2017, January). What is Depression? Retrieved from
The National Institute of Mental Health (2018, February). Depression. Retrieved from
Winch, G. (2015, 2 October). The Important Difference Between Sadness and Depression. Retrieved from
Test was adapted from:
Becks Depression Inventory (BDI-II) test is recommended by the US Center for Disease Control
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